All Anime World Game "A little cat-girl’s tale.”

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All Anime World Game "A little cat-girl’s tale.”

Post by JHawkNH » August 25th, 2010, 8:09 pm

Here are my ideas for the game that we can create that I suggested in this topic ... 057#p19057

1. I would like to call the game, “A little cat-girl’s tale.”

2. The premise would be that you play as a cat-girl who purchesed a shop and called it “The Cat’s Tail Card Shop.” The cat girls parents died recently so she decided to sell everything they had and move to the city to follower her dream of becoming a merchant. I have no idea what her name is so we would have to decide that.

3. What she sells are magic card that she creates. These magic cards can contain either magic spells, or monsters that you can do battle with. She either has to buy the supplies to make the cards, or she needs to get help and go dungeon crawling for them. In the end the game is about strategy. How to get the materials, what cards to make, how much to sell them for, and what relationships you create in the game.
4. Other characters in the game include, a talking cat that helps the cat-girl, a young swords man that helps the cat-girl with quests and that the cat-girl has a crush on, a shop owner across the street from her that she has a heated rivalry with. We will need to think of more characters.

5. I would like the game to be very story driven. The main problem that I am having right now is that I don’t know what the main goal should be in the game.

So who wants to help and do you guys have any other ideas?
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Re: All Anime World Game "A little cat-girl’s tale.”

Post by Zeratul2k » August 26th, 2010, 6:15 am

OK, let's see then, opinions on your points:

2- Let the name be customizable?

3- It would be a good idea to set some limits as well, then. Maybe she can only specialize in the creation of some sorts of cards (like a tech-tree kind of thing). I would like it if one could be able to both buy supplies and get them from dungeons. Could one also sell supplies one doesn't need (or can't use, because of one's tech-tree)? Also, could she use the cards herself while questing for supplies?

4- That all can be worked out by the writers. Preferably by the writers. Let them develop that themselves :meh:

5- Getting a ticket on the number 9, maybe? (Ha! See if you can tell me where that reference came from!) This would be up to the writers as well.

A little point of my own would be if the game is supposed to be short or long? If it's short we should add some sort of scoring to give an incentive to come back and try again.

And now some of my own, technical stuff (or so I say):

1- You proposed VB.NET as programming language since you have stuff ready that we could use. That's all fine with me as far as game logic goes, but we would need something to store and organize all resources in. Will we use a database or some sort of plain text files like XML? I would prefer plain text files to allow for easy data input and customization, but you know VB better so you decide.

2- The game I have wanting to build for ages now is a turn-based tactical RPG (a la Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy Tactics or Disgaea) and I think it would great for this game, since we are already planning to have companions to the main character. The problem is that it's way more complicated than a normal RPG (enemy AI, path-finding, terrain management, etc. (yes, I have been making my homework)). Since it would be only two people programming I say we go with normal RPG, but if we got this game on SourceForge or other OpenSource hosting site we could get more coding help.

3- Any thoughts on networking? Trading supplies, cards or even battles?

More ideas and comments to come later!
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Re: All Anime World Game "A little cat-girl’s tale.”

Post by JHawkNH » August 26th, 2010, 4:51 pm

2- Let the name be customizable?
I had though about this for certain charactures, but that means we would have to be very careful in the voice acting dialog not to use names. That and I don't want to see screenshots later on where the dialog is "Come over here Bitch, I need your help." just because the player thought it would be funny to name their characture "Bitch".

3- It would be a good idea to set some limits as well, then. Maybe she can only specialize in the creation of some sorts of cards (like a tech-tree kind of thing). I would like it if one could be able to both buy supplies and get them from dungeons. Could one also sell supplies one doesn't need (or can't use, because of one's tech-tree)? Also, could she use the cards herself while questing for supplies?
She will be able to create any card, just not right off the back. She will need to gain exp to create stronger and more complicated cards. She can get suplies by both buying them, (although this will give her a much smaller profit) and finding suplies in dungons. She will also be able to use any card that she creates in a fight, but there are some card factors that could mean that the card is damaged or destroyed. I will post all the details that I have about the cards and there creation and use later.

A little point of my own would be if the game is supposed to be short or long? If it's short we should add some sort of scoring to give an incentive to come back and try again.
It should be about mediem length. I want it to be as long as possible, but I don't want it to get bogged down by nothing but dungon grinding. That is why I want it to be story driven, to extend the game without it getting boring and repetitive.

And now some of my own, technical stuff (or so I say):

1- You proposed VB.NET as programming language since you have stuff ready that we could use. That's all fine with me as far as game logic goes, but we would need something to store and organize all resources in. Will we use a database or some sort of plain text files like XML? I would prefer plain text files to allow for easy data input and customization, but you know VB better so you decide.
I am still trying to figure out the best means for this. I just want to make sure to do it in a way that is not easy to hack. Imaging someone coming out with a "Nude patch" for our game. :shy:

2- The game I have wanting to build for ages now is a turn-based tactical RPG (a la Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy Tactics or Disgaea) and I think it would great for this game, since we are already planning to have companions to the main character. The problem is that it's way more complicated than a normal RPG (enemy AI, path-finding, terrain management, etc. (yes, I have been making my homework)). Since it would be only two people programming I say we go with normal RPG, but if we got this game on SourceForge or other OpenSource hosting site we could get more coding help.
The monster fights will be turn based and the graphics for the fight will look like your typical 2D side view turn based scene. Since this is our first game, simpler will be better. I don't want to use a premade engine since that would limit what we were able to do.

3- Any thoughts on networking? Trading supplies, cards or even battles?
I will post more details about the cards later. This will also give an insight about how the moster battles will work.
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Re: All Anime World Game "A little cat-girl’s tale.”

Post by JHawkNH » August 26th, 2010, 8:14 pm

Magic Cards
Two types; Spell, and Summon/Monster.


This is the base card that both types of cards are created from.
MagicCard.PNG (5 KiB) Viewed 16905 times
The four circles in the corner are “Lvl Gem” holders. You place gems here to upgrade the card. The gems are of one of 4 types (Fire, Water, Wind, Earth) and a gem can be anywhere from a lvl 1 to a lvl 10. The lowest lvl gem on the card will determine the highest lvl monster/spell that can be held by the card.

The two squares on top are for “Sacrifice Gems”. They are only used with summon/monster cards. Anytime your monster is defeated (ie. runs out of hit points) one of these will be destroyed and the monster becomes unsummoned. If there are no more “Sacrifice Gems” on the card and your monster is defeated, both the monster and the card are destroyed.

The five small circles on the bottom (blue) as for “Summon Gems”. Every time that you use the card, one of these gets used up. Once they are all used up, you cannot use the card. They can be refilled, but only back at the shop.

Spell Card:
The spell card is much simpler so I will start with that.

In order to create a spell card you must have gems of at least the lvl of the spell, and the spell words. Once you have the spell words, you can make as many of that spell card as you want. (As long as you have the lvl gems)

The lvl gems also determine the strength of the attack. Each spell has its own type (Water, Fire, Wind, Earth) or a combo of two. You can upgrade the lvl of an element by increasing the lvl of a gem of that type. But putting a gem of the oppiste element will decrease the power of that element. Fire – Water, Earth – Air.

Monster/Summon cards:
In order to create a monster card you need high enough lvl gems for the monster, Monster Control high enough to handle the monster (more about this later), and the monster (which you buy or capture yourself). Once you use a monster in order for you to create another card you will need to get another monster.

The Lvl gems work similar to the spell card with a few differences. The total lvl of the combined lvl gems determines the hit-points regaurdless of type. Each spot on the card affects a different stat. Top red is Physical Attack, Bottom Red is Magical Attack, Top Green is Physical Def, and bottom green is magical def.

There are other things that are required to make cards, but that is more about the stats of the cat-girl. That is enough for now, any questions?
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Re: All Anime World Game "A little cat-girl’s tale.”

Post by Zeratul2k » August 28th, 2010, 6:36 pm

JHawkNH wrote:1- You proposed VB.NET as programming language since you have stuff ready that we could use. That's all fine with me as far as game logic goes, but we would need something to store and organize all resources in. Will we use a database or some sort of plain text files like XML? I would prefer plain text files to allow for easy data input and customization, but you know VB better so you decide.
I am still trying to figure out the best means for this. I just want to make sure to do it in a way that is not easy to hack. Imaging someone coming out with a "Nude patch" for our game. :shy:
I think you're worrying too much about the wrong stuff. There's nothing we can do that will stop a dedicated hacker with enough time on his/her hands, so we should just save ourselves the hassle and make the easiest implementation we can think of, to save time.
JHawkNH wrote:3- Any thoughts on networking? Trading supplies, cards or even battles?
I will post more details about the cards later. This will also give an insight about how the moster battles will work.
I think you missed my point here. I was asking if you had any ideas or plans to have networking capabilities in the game, for trade of supplies and cards or to allow battles between two players or something like that.
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Re: All Anime World Game "A little cat-girl’s tale.”

Post by JHawkNH » August 30th, 2010, 4:47 pm

Yep, your right. I completly misunderstood your question.
For this game I would like it to be a single player game only, so no networking needed. Networking brings alot of complexity that we really don't need for our first attempt at a game. Once/If we finish this game we can start working on a new game. We should be able to expand what we do in that game as we will already have some basic experiance.

Ok, now for the first decision on this game. I am working on the main graphics window right now and we need to decied what resolusions we will support. Here are some standard resolutions that I have found.

'Standard resolution: Comp: 800x600, 1280x960, 1280X1024, TV: 1280x720, 1920x1080
'Standard resolution: Comp: 4/3 , 4/3 , 5/4 , TV: 16/9 , 16/9
'4/3 = 1.333, 5/4 = 1.25, 16/9 = 1.777

We also have to decied if we want to allow the player to expand to fullscreen mode.

What do you guys think?
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Re: All Anime World Game "A little cat-girl’s tale.”

Post by Zeratul2k » August 30th, 2010, 11:55 pm

Since almost all new computers come with widescreen displays, I think it would be a good idea to go with a widescreen resolution as well. I propose 720p (1280x720).

Also, I need a question answered: What version of Visual Studio will we be using? I have 2008 SP1 on this laptop, though I'm planning to wipe the disk and install Windows 7 soon so I could install whatever.

Forgot to add, I prefer to run all my games in full screen, but that's just me :p
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Re: All Anime World Game "A little cat-girl’s tale.”

Post by JHawkNH » August 31st, 2010, 3:59 pm

Ok, so here is what we will have.
A 4/3 ratio with 1280x960 being the image size. (800x600 will just be a resized version of this pic)
A 16/9 ratio with either 1280x720 or 1920x1080 image size. I will have to see if 1080 is to graphically intense.
A 5/4 ratio with 1280x1024 being the image size and useing the 1280x960 image with black bars on the top and bottom.

I will create the basic graphics class now.

I am useing Visual Studio .Net 2003. But this won't be a problem since the only files that you will need to send me will be .bas class files and 2008 will be able to compile anything that I send you.
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Re: All Anime World Game "A little cat-girl’s tale.”

Post by JHawkNH » September 2nd, 2010, 7:15 pm

Ok, I am currently working on the graphics engine and the sound engine. I should have the alphas completed soon so I will have examples of how they work.
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Re: All Anime World Game "A little cat-girl’s tale.”

Post by Hiki » September 8th, 2010, 10:13 pm

I'm willing to help if I have time :3

How about letting Sakura decide what the main character's name will be (if she wants to)? :hmm:
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